At our recent Annual General Meeting, only one nomination had been received by the due date for the election of our representative on the Board of Directors of Lincoln City Football Club. Unfortunately, three days before the AGM, the nominee withdrew his application for medical reasons. We wish him well with his treatment and recovery.
The Trust Board plans to call an online Special General Meeting (provisionally arranged for 7pm on Wednesday 11/09/24), so that the vacancy can be filled. Further details will be confirmed in due course.
In the meantime, we must seek nominations for that role, a description of which can be found by clicking on “The Trust” tab at the top of this page, followed by “Trust Documentation” and then “Trust Roles”. The successful candidate must satisfy two requirements before taking office. First, the EFL’s Owners & Directors’ Test must be passed. Secondly, the Club’s Board of Directors must approve the appointment. Those matters will be dealt with following the SGM. Rob Bradley, the previous incumbent, will happily provide any more information that may be required: he can be contacted via email at media@redimpstrust.co.uk.
Nominations forms can be downloaded from this link.
Completed forms must be received by Steve Freestone, the Trust Secretary, by midnight on Tuesday 13/08/24, which is the day of the Carabao Cup match against Harrogate Town.